Thursday, March 27, 2008

Un-Redemption Sucks

There is a great possibility that an investor will be buying a house for us to use to build and grow our movement.

I was meeting with the investor and the realtor, and she shared that a local wealthy family buys houses in a particular area and lets them sit. The family buys them because the wife 'just likes houses.'

These houses are right near the campus, and have the potential to be used for so much. Bible studies, socials, even just close community life for students living in the dorm. Instead, they sit vacant. 

I long for a day when houses, businesses, even community areas would not just sit vacant, or even would be occupied or used, but used according to the purpose and heart of Jesus. Because of Christ, all things have new meaning--not just people, but things as well. 

What if near every campus there was a city block of houses set apart for welcoming and providing authentic, Christ-honoring community for anyone? How many freshmen's lives would be redeemed and transformed by something like that?

1 comment:

Paul said...

Wow that's crazy that someone would buy houses just to have them and not do anything with them! I'll remember to pray for your investing endeavors.